The Dorset Community House is here to provide opportunities for community participation by providing programmes in a welcoming and friendly environment.
Here are some of our programmes that you can be a part of. Need more information? Feel free to call us any time, we are here to support you!

Polliwog Play-Group
Polliwog (Tadpole) Playgroup is a fun family playgroup that runs from 10.30am – 12pm on Wednesdays for ages 0-4. Sessions include fun activities, craft, playtime and story time.
School Holiday Activities
During the school term holidays we provide fun activities online, in the House and out & about. Activities include excursions to places in Launceston such as the movies, activities in the House and online challenges and games.
Eating with Friends
Eating with Friends is a social group that meet once a month at different locations around Dorset to share a meal together and socialise. Meals are low cost and transport is available. To make a booking ring the House.
Delicious Dorset
Delicious Dorset is a healthy eating programme designed to teach and inform the community about healthy eating and nutrition. The programme includes our community garden, vegetable sales and recipe library.
Walking Groups
We partner with Heart Foundation Walking Groups in Dorset. We have three groups located in Scottsdale and Bridport.
Scottsdale Tues 9.30am or Thursday 9.30am. Bridport Tuesday and Thursday at 12pm. To join or find out more information visit the Heart Foundation Walking Australia website.
Craft Group
Join us for a social craft group for fun, easy crafts and good chats. Materials supplied.
10.30am – 1pm Thursdays at Dorset Community House.
Ukelele Group
A music group for all abilities and experience. Music equipment supplied.
2pm – 3.30pm Mondays at Dorset Community House.